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Greater Los Angeles

Lyle N. Whited Hiking Award

Greater Los Angeles

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4'' x 3''

In September 1990, the Parents’ Committee of Troop 211, Torrance, CA, decided to create a special award to recognize the diverse, year-round High Adventure program that the Troop had experienced over the prior 20-plus years. As Lyle Whited had served as Assistant Scoutmaster/Hikemaster for over half that period, it also decided to put his name on it. For a number of years, this award was only offered to members of that Unit and of the local District. The LAAC-HAT is now making it available to anyone who has met its requirements.

Jim Spencer Conservation Award

Greater Los Angeles

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22'' x 2''

This is a unit award, granted when members of the Unit perform 1000, 2000, and 5000 cumulative hours of on-site work on USDA-Forest Service approved conservation projects.

Golden Eaglet Mini-Long Term Award

Greater Los Angeles

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3'' x 3''

Complete a 4+ day backpack on any public lands.

Silver Moccasins Medal

Greater Los Angeles

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1'' x 1''

This award challenges the backpacker to help construct and maintain the trails on which he/she hikes. It is a unique privilege to hang these Silver Moccasins, when attached to a leather thong, from the right pocket button of the Scout shirt.

Sierra North Award

Greater Los Angeles

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3'' x 2½''

Backpack 5+ days on the following:

Trail must be entirely within the portion of the Sierras bounded on the north by Highway 88 (the southern boundary of El Dorado County) and on the south by an imagined east-west line just below Lake Thomas A, Edison. This is the area covered in Sierra North by Thomas Winnett, et al., an excellent resource for selecting and planning a trek.

High Adventure Backpack Award

Greater Los Angeles

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4'' x 4''

Complete a 5+ day backpacking trek on any public lands.

Trailsaver Awards

Greater Los Angeles

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3'' x 3''

These awards were developed by the LAAC, in concert with the USDA-FS, to promote Unit participation in forest and trail conservation and construction projects. The initial award program, TrailSaver, was adopted in 1982 as a special activity to be offered for two years. It proved so successful that it was made permanent and has led to the adoption of a second award program, ForestSaver. All conservation work must have the prior approval as to what, where, when, and how from the proper USDA-Forest Service representative, or administrator for a location other than a National Forest. All work must be done under the direction of a person, typically a Trail Boss, assigned by that representative. 

Awards in these programs are earned when the participant performs 6,12,18, 24, and 30 hours of LAAC-HAT approved conservation work. Unit Leadership must also satisfy these General Requirements for the outing

Backpacker and Advanced Backpacker Awards

Greater Los Angeles

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4'' diameter

This award recognizes those persons who have earned a longterm backpacking award and have performed LAAC-HAT approved conservation work in the same calendar year.

State / County Park Award

Greater Los Angeles

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2'' x 2''

Backpack in a state or county park.

Rock Climbing LAAC Award

Greater Los Angeles

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2'' x 2''

This award is offered to stimulate the development of skills and in appreciation of climbing beyond those required to earn the Climbing merit badge. This award may be earned by Cub, Webelos, Boy Scouts, and Venturers as noted.

Trail Boss Service Pin

Greater Los Angeles

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½'' x 1''

This award is given to Scouters by the Forest/Trail Conservation Committee of the LAACHAT. It is earned when the Scouter accomplishes the following tasks.

Peak Bagger Award

Greater Los Angeles

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Summit peaks above 10,000; earned in cumulative amounts of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25.

Silver Moccasins Trail Award

Greater Los Angeles

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4'' x 4''

Backpack the 50 mile Silver Moccasins Trail in the San Gabriel Mountains.

Mini-Peak Bagger Award

Greater Los Angeles

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3'' x 3''

This award program is designed to introduce Units to backcountry peak climbing. Units can earn the awards in the Southern California mountain regions that are within easy reach for one-day outings. It is hoped that the Unit will see mini-peak climbing as an opportunity to supplement its weekend or short-term backpacking program. Approved peaks have elevations of between 5,000 to 10,000 feet and require minimal off-trail or cross country hiking. 

A maximum of three peaks may be climbed for credit on a single outing; however, only two may be climbed on a single day. All eligible peaks are located in Southern California. An award is earned when 8, 16, and 24 (cumulative) different peaks from the approved list are climbed, and the other specific requirements are met.

Gabrielino Award

Greater Los Angeles

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3'' x 3''

This award was designed for a 3+ day backpacking trek anywhere on the Gabrielino National Recreation Trail, that goes from Chantry Flats to Windsor Drive, Altadena.

Forest Saver Medal

Greater Los Angeles

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1½'' x 3''

This award program recognizes individual participation in forestry and associated construction and maintenance projects. This participation can be as part of a Unit service project or an Eagle project. There are three categories of projects 

There are three categories of projects: 

Campsite: campground or trail camp development, improvement, maintenance, and rehabilitation 

Wildlife: habitat restoration, browse-way improvement, construction and maintenance of feeders and waterers, etc. 

Forestry: plantation clearing, tree planting, tree thinning and pruning, etc..

Snow Hiking Award

Greater Los Angeles

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2'' x 2''

Backpack for 1 night or more in the snow.

National Park - National Monument Award

Greater Los Angeles

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2'' x 2''

Backpack in a National Park or National Monument.

Master Trailbuilder

Greater Los Angeles

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1'' x 1½''

This award is presented to Scouters by the Forest/Trail Conservation Committee for continued service to the conservation programs of the USFS and the LAAC-HAT. It is not a matter of meeting a set of requirements, but of dedication to conservation. Jim Spencer was the initial recipient of this award, having set the standard for all of us

Golden Bighorn Trek Award

Greater Los Angeles

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3'' x 3''

Complete 5+ day backpack on the Santa Ana River Trail around Barton Flats, then back through the San Gorgonio Wildernes to Angles Oaks.

High Sierra Trail Award

Greater Los Angeles

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6'' x 2''; segments @ 3'' x 2''

Backpack segments of the West - East High Sierra Trail between Sequoia National Park and Mt. Whitney.

Sierra South Award

Greater Los Angeles

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3'' x 2½''

Backpack 5+ days on the following:

Trail must be entirely within the portion of the Sierras bounded on the north by an imagined east-west line just above Lake Thomas A. Edison and on the south by the southern boundary of Kern County. This is the area covered in Sierra South by Thomas Winnett, et al., an excellent resource for selecting and planning a trek.

John Muir Award

Greater Los Angeles

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6'' x 2''; segments @ 3'' x 3/4''

Backpack 50 mile segments of the John Muir Trail.

Explorer Mountaineering 1-Week Backpack

Greater Los Angeles

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6'' x 2''

Complete a 1-week backpacking trek on public lands.

Forest Saver Award

Greater Los Angeles

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5'' x 5''

This award program recognizes individual participation in forestry and associated construction and maintenance projects. This participation can be as part of a Unit service project or an Eagle project. 

There are three categories of projects There are three categories of projects: 

Campsite: campground or trail camp development, improvement, maintenance, and rehabilitation 

Wildlife: habitat restoration, browse-way improvement, construction and maintenance of feeders and waterers, etc. 

Forestry: plantation clearing, tree planting, tree thinning and pruning, etc..

National Forest Hiking Award

Greater Los Angeles

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2'' x 2''

Backpack in a National Forest.

Training Hike Award

Greater Los Angeles

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2'' x 2''

Backpack taken in any location for a minimum of 1 night, distance of 5 miles or more.

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