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San Diego - Imperial

US Mormon Battalion Trail Award for Cub Scouts

San Diego - Imperial

Telescope Peak Award.jpg

3'' x 4''

Complete a 5-mile hike along the Mormon trail where possible. The area in the vicinity of Box Canyon in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park is recommended.

Pacific Crest Trail San Diego Segments

San Diego - Imperial

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Complete a 15+ mile overnight backpack on any of the following San Diego County segments

Lazy Rat Award

San Diego - Imperial

Telescope Peak Award.jpg

3'' diameter

Plan and carry out a float trip on any river in a rubber raft or inner tube constructed raft (the Tom Sawyer variety).

US Mormon Battalion Trail Award for Scouts

San Diego - Imperial

Telescope Peak Award.jpg

3'' x 4''

Take an overnight backpack of at least 15 miles or 7½ hours scheduled backpack time along the original Trail of the Mormon Battalion.

Mt. San Jacinto Award

San Diego - Imperial

Telescope Peak Award.jpg

2'' x 2''

Complete a backpack of 2 or 3 consecutive days with at least one night's camp at Little Round Valley, Round Valley, Tamarack Valley or the Summit.

River Rat Award

San Diego - Imperial

Telescope Peak Award.jpg

3½'' x 3''

Plan and carry out a canoe, or kayak or float trip on the lower Colorado River between Hoover Dam and Imperial Dam. This trip shall cover at least 20 miles in 2 or more consecutive days with the overnight camp at least 5 miles from the launching point and the take-out point.

El Camino Real Medal for Cub Scouts

San Diego - Imperial

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Take a hike of 5 miles along the El Camino Real.

Canoeing Paddle Segments

San Diego - Imperial

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Complete any of the following Colorado River segments in canoe, kayak, or raft

Snow Camper Award

San Diego - Imperial

Telescope Peak Award.jpg

3'' diameter

Camp overnight in a primitive campsite or a Scout Camp in 2" of snow or more, cooking supper and breakfast at the campsite.

Desert Backpack Award

San Diego - Imperial

Telescope Peak Award.jpg

3'' x 3''

Complete an overnight backpack of 7-1/2 hours scheduled backpack time in 2 consecutive days, camping at least 1-1/2 hours scheduled backpack time from both the trail head and the pick-up point in the Mojave or Sonoran Deserts.

Old Salty Rat

San Diego - Imperial

Telescope Peak Award.jpg

3'' diameter

Camp overnight in the Fiesta Island camping area, and in the morning follow a canoe route in the bay.

High Sierra Segment

San Diego - Imperial

Telescope Peak Award.jpg

1'' x 3'' segments

This is an indicator patch to show where a High Adventure Backpack Award was earned and so may be earned in conjunction with any High Sierra Backback Award.

Southern California Historic Trails Triple Crown Medal

San Diego - Imperial

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Earn all three of the following High Adventure Awards

• US Mormon Battalion Trail Award

• El Camino Real Award

• De Anza Trail Award

Whale Award

San Diego - Imperial

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3'' diameter

Learn and watch for whales in San Diego.

El Camino Real Medal for Scouts

San Diego - Imperial

Telescope Peak Award.jpg

Take a hike of at least 15 miles (or 7-1/2 hours scheduled back pack time) along the El Camino Real.

High Sierra Trek Award

San Diego - Imperial

Telescope Peak Award.jpg

8½'' x 5''

Complete 6 backpacking Treks which qualify for "High Sierra Segments" in 6 different areas of the 10 described in the High Sierra Segments in this chapter.

Mt. San Gorgonio Award

San Diego - Imperial

Telescope Peak Award.jpg

2'' x 2''

Complete a backpack climb of 2 or 3 consecutive days with one night's camp at least 3 miles from the trailhead and at an elevation of over 9,000 feet.

Camelback Awards

San Diego - Imperial

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Take a Backpack along any existing section of the California Riding & Hiking Trail in Southern California, in the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park or in the Cleveland National Forest.

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