Whale Award

Sponsoring Council
San Diego - Imperial
Award Dimensions
3'' diameter
Learn and watch for whales in San Diego.
Map Link (where applicable)
External Reference (where applicable)
Detailed Requirements
1. Read one of the following which may be checked out from your local library:
a. The Whales Go By, by Fred Phlegar.
b. The Great Whales, by Herbert S. Zim.
c. Whales, by Bernard Stonehouse. OR
d. Ask your librarian to help you find any other book on whales which you can read and understand.
NOTE: Do not keep these books checked out too long because there are other children who might also like to read them.
2. Visit the whale exhibit in the basement of the Museum of Natural History in Balboa Park, San Diego. Especially notice the miniature models of these whales, and skeletons of the whale and dolphin.
3. Visit the Cabrillo National Monument (lighthouse) atop Point Loma and:
a. Read the California Gray Whale exhibit displayed out-of-doors, listen to the tape recording, and
b. SIGHT A GRAY WHALE GOING NORTH OR SOUTH ALONG THE COAST OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. If a whale is not sighted, visit Sea World and watch the Whale Show. Please call Sea World for admission prices and confirmations.