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Activity: Hiking

Pacific Crest Trail Award (PCT)

Orange County

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Hike and backpack the PCT.

Rim to Rim Medal

Orange County

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Hike or backpack from one of the Grand Canyon's rims to the other.

Southern California Historic Trails Triple Crown Medal

San Diego - Imperial

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Earn all three of the following High Adventure Awards

• US Mormon Battalion Trail Award

• El Camino Real Award

• De Anza Trail Award

Dick Jackson Award

Western Los Angeles County Council

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3” x 3”

This award is for those who have achieved 200 mile of hiking on local trails.

106-Miler Backpacking Medal

Orange County

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Backpack and hike 106 cumulative miles over the course of multiple scouting events.  

The purpose of this medal is to motivate scouts who are relatively early in their scouting career with backpacking & hiking.  Mileage over the course of several trips quickly adds up, and before too long a scout will be able to proudly wear this "bling" on their uniform.  

Why 106 miles?  It is half the distance of the iconic John Muir Trail in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, symbolizing the scout's achievement and also the fact that many more adventures still await!

Mini-Peak Bagger Award

Greater Los Angeles

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3'' x 3''

This award program is designed to introduce Units to backcountry peak climbing. Units can earn the awards in the Southern California mountain regions that are within easy reach for one-day outings. It is hoped that the Unit will see mini-peak climbing as an opportunity to supplement its weekend or short-term backpacking program. Approved peaks have elevations of between 5,000 to 10,000 feet and require minimal off-trail or cross country hiking. 

A maximum of three peaks may be climbed for credit on a single outing; however, only two may be climbed on a single day. All eligible peaks are located in Southern California. An award is earned when 8, 16, and 24 (cumulative) different peaks from the approved list are climbed, and the other specific requirements are met.

Los Fierros Award

Long Beach

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4'' x 3''

This award was developed by Mr. David Bridges of Troop 209 to promote interest in Long Beach history.

Seven League Boot Award

Orange County

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Main Patch: 4'' x 4''; Segment Patches: 1'' x 1''

Cumulative hiking and backpacking award to recognize overall mileage achieved.

Mount Whitney Day Trek Award

Orange County

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4½“ Diameter

Summit Mount Whitney in the Sierra Nevadas.

Three Saints Award

Orange County

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4'' x 3''

Summit Mt San Antonio, Mt San Gorgonio, and Mt San Jacinto in the Southern California mountains.

Orange County Historic Trail Award

Orange County

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This award was created to highlight the history of Scouting in Orange County by connecting the OCBSA properties of the Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center (IROEC) and the Newport Sea Base with a day hike or bike hike trail.

National Forest Hiking Awards

Inland Empire

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Main Patch: 3½'' x 3''; Segments: 3 1/2'' x 1''

The former Old Baldy Council (presently CIEC) High Adventure Team developed this award for units who enjoy camping and exploring our national forests, but do not necessarily participate in backpacking.

High Adventure Angler Medal

Orange County

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Catch multiple fish while on an adventure!

US Mormon Battalion Trail Award for Cub Scouts

San Diego - Imperial

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3'' x 4''

Complete a 5-mile hike along the Mormon trail where possible. The area in the vicinity of Box Canyon in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park is recommended.

Pacific Crest Trail San Diego Segments

San Diego - Imperial

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Complete a 15+ mile overnight backpack on any of the following San Diego County segments

National Outdoor Awards

National Council

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3" x 3"

The five National Outdoor Badges recognize a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout who demonstrates both knowledge and experience in camping, hiking, aquatics, riding, or adventure. Scouts earning the National Outdoor badges have demonstrated that they are knowledgeable, safe, and comfortable in the outdoor activity covered by the badge.

Four Peaks Medal

Orange County

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Summit the four highest peaks in Southern California, earning the BSA High Adventure Awards for each.  The peaks include Mt. San Gorgonio (11,503'), Mt. San Bernardino (10,840'), Mt. San Jacinto (10,833'), and Mt. San Antonio (10,069').

Corn Springs Award

Long Beach

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3½“ x 3½“

This award was developed by Mr. John Giese of Troop 67 to promote interest in Native American and prospecting history at Corn Spring in the Chuckwalla Mountains.

Mt. Baden Powell

Inland Empire

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2'' x 2''

Climb to the peak of Mt. Baden-Powell (9,399 ft.)

High Low Award

Orange County

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4'' x 3''

Climb and summit Mt. Whitney in addition to camping in Death Valley and visiting Bad Water Basin, the lowest point in the United States.

Telescope Peak Award

Orange County

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5'' Diameter

Summit Telescope Peak in Death Valley National Park.

Nothing Peak Bagger Award

Orange County

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3'' Diameter

This award is earned by Scouting units who plan and attempt to bag a peak, but for safety considerations turn back due to inclement weather, high water and/or snow, hazardous terrain or unanticipated illness or injury, among other safety reasons.

Home Town Historic Sites

Inland Empire

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3'' x 3''

Plan and complete a hike of at least five (5) miles on foot or fifteen (15) miles by bicycle which includes a visit to at least 3” x 3” five (5) of the historic sites on your list.

High Adventure Angler Award

Orange County

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Catch a fish while on an adventure.

El Camino Real Medal for Cub Scouts

San Diego - Imperial

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Take a hike of 5 miles along the El Camino Real.

Mt. Whitney Fish Hatchery Eagle Scout Project

Orange County

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5'' x 2.5''

Complete a long term backpack trek in the Sierras and catch a golden trout by any legal means.

Santa Barbara Historical Trail

Los Padres Council

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The Historic Trail was initiated in 1990. The trail is designed to present to its participants the historical significance and natural beauty of the San Luis Obispo County area. The trail is divided into two primary sites: SAN LUIS OBISPO and SAN MIGUEL -- approximately 40 miles apart. The San Luis Obispo walk is the "PATH OF HISTORY" with 19 points of interest. The San Miguel tour includes the SAN MIGUEL MISSION and the RIOS-CALEDONIA ADOBE. The trail is suitable for Tigers, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers. The award is open to all registered members of the Boy Scouts of America.

El Camino Real Medal for Scouts

San Diego - Imperial

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Take a hike of at least 15 miles (or 7-1/2 hours scheduled back pack time) along the El Camino Real.

Pike Hike Award

Long Beach

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3½“ x 3½“

This award was developed by Mr. David Simon of Troop 67 to celebrate the rich history of downtown Long Beach and its “Pike” waterfront amusement park.

Mt San Bernardino Peak

Inland Empire

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2'' x 2''

Summit Mt. San Bernardino Peak (10,649').

Santiago Peak Award

Orange County

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3'' Diameter

Summit Santiago Peak

White Mountain Award

Orange County

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4½“ Diameter

Summit White Mountain Peak in the White Mountain range east of the Sierras.

Mt San Antonio Peak Award

Inland Empire

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2'' x 2''

This award requires three separate hikes of 10 to 16 miles each, including a hike to the top of Mt. San Antonio (Mt. Baldy). 

Hiking Activity Award

Inland Empire

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2'' x 2'' patches

These awards were developed to encourage beginning hiking activities with advancement. They promote hiking and environmental awareness. The hikes can be completed within a day or over a weekend.

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