Orange County
106-Miler Backpacking Medal
Orange County
Backpack and hike 106 cumulative miles over the course of multiple scouting events.
The purpose of this medal is to motivate scouts who are relatively early in their scouting career with backpacking & hiking. Mileage over the course of several trips quickly adds up, and before too long a scout will be able to proudly wear this "bling" on their uniform.
Why 106 miles? It is half the distance of the iconic John Muir Trail in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, symbolizing the scout's achievement and also the fact that many more adventures still await!
Bron Draganov Trailbuilding Honor Award
Orange County
3'' Diameter
Earn all five Trail Saver (30 hours total) and all five Forest Saver (30 hours total) High Adventure Awards of the Los Angeles Area Council or...
Complete 30 hours of trailbuilding beyond the 30 hours for the Trail Saver Medal or...
Complete an Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project with Trail Boss Bron Draganov as your primary mentor and adviser.
Easter Break Science Trek
Orange County
4½“ Diameter
Participate in a unit outdoor outing over Easter Break that involves camping and/or backpacking and/or sailing/boating, while at the same time working on activity badges, merit badges, Venturing Awards and/or STEM/NOVA Awards Program that involve subjects in the natural and/or physical sciences, engineering and health sciences. Completion of all the requirements during the outing is not necessary.
Trail Angels Award
Orange County
4'' diameter
Recognize scouts and scouters who aid hikers or backpackers with food, supplies, or general support over the course of a multi-day hike.
The award is specifically modeled after "Trail Angels" who aid long distance thru hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail, Appalachian Trail, Continental Divide Trail, etc, with water, food, and supplies.
Additionally, the award is intended to recognize scouts and scouters who play an active role in providing logistical aid in support of a multi-day activity (e.g.: performing water drops for a desert backpacking trek, etc).
Christmas Conservation Corps
Orange County
4½“ Diameter
Participate in a “substantial” trail building or conservation project over Christmas Break (or in the month of December), of at least 6 hours work. The definition of ‘substantial” is left to the judgment of the unit leadership, but should be something more than trash pick-up.
Jim Hawkins Mountaineering Medal
Orange County
This award was developed by Troop/Crew 1210 of Rancho Santa Margarita, CA and honors Jim Hawkins, Chair of the LAAC High Adventure Team for over 30 years. The upper portion of the medal depicts Dusy Basin in King’s Canyon National Park and three creatures that inhabit the Sierra High Route: Yellow-bellied Marmot, Clark’s Nutcracker and Golden Trout. The lower portion shows the face of Mt. Whitney.