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Leave No Trace Award

White Mountain.jpg

Sponsoring Council

Verdugo Hills Council

Award Dimensions

4” Dia W/Segments


The purpose of this HAT Award is to assist Leaders in developing and fostering the principles of "Leave No Trace" in their Outdoor program. There are seven segments in the award and a center patch designed to create a deeper understanding of each of the seven Leave No Trace principles and to encourage Leaders to apply these principles to activities in the Outdoors. This award may be earned by Cub Scouts, Den Chiefs, Boy Scouts, Venturers, Brownies, Girls Scouts and appropriate Adult Leaders.

Map Link (where applicable)

External Reference (where applicable)

Detailed Requirements

1. Comply with the Area 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.

2. Each segment requires a separate outdoor activity and a different Scout activity. Adult Leaders are required to keep a record and verify completion of all requirements.

3. File a TOUR PERMIT with your local Council for all outings. Tour Permit number required to receive award.

4. At least one HIGH ADVENTURE Trained Outing Leader or Basic Backpack Leader required on outing. (Or equivalent H.A.T. Training)

5. Requirements for each award are not listed in order of completion requirement. Advancement requirements retroactive to September 1995 are acceptable. Written verification of advancement requirements must accompany application.

6. Requirements marked with an * are for Cub Scouts only. For Girl Scout replacement Requirements, Contact the Verdugo Hills Council HAT Team.

THE LNT AWARD: (3” diameter Center Patch)

1. Learn the seven principles of the Leave No Trace program. “Plan Ahead and Prepare”, “Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces”, “Dispose of Waste Properly”, “Leave what you find”, “Minimize Campfire impacts”, “Respect Wildlife” and “Be Considerate of other visitors”.

2. * Complete the Requirements for the Bobcat Badge

3. Earn any segment of the Phil Hammons Leave No Trace Award.


TRASH (Dispose of Waste Properly):

1. Know the Four Principles of " Dispose of Waste Properly ".

2. Participate in a one-hour clean up Service Project.

3. * Complete Wolf Achievement 7 "Your Living World" or Bear Achievement 6 "Take Care of Your Planet".

CONSIDERATE (Be Considerate of Others):

1. Know the five Principles of " Be Considerate of Others ".

2. Attend a talk or Nature program by a Park Ranger.

3. Participate in a one-hour Service Project cleaning up a waterway.

4. * Earn the Cub Scout World Conservation Award.

PATH (Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces):

1. Know the three Principles of " Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces ".

2. Learn how to set a bearing on a compass.

3. Play the Scout Compass game with A Den or Pack or Troop and successfully complete three game cards with the correct answers.

LEAVE (Leave What You Find):

1. Know the four Principles of " Leave What You Find ".

2. Participate in a Den, Pack or Troop Hike at a County, State or National Park.

3. * Complete Wolf Achievement 18 “Outdoor Adventure” or Bear Achievement 12 “Family Outdoor Adventure”.

FIRE (Minimize Campfire Impacts):

1. Know the four Principles of " Minimize Campfire Impacts ".

2. Learn the Fire Rules for an area where you plan to go on an overnight campout.

3. * Complete the Outdoorsman Activity Pin.

4. * Complete Wolf Achievement 15 “Grow Something” or Bear Arrow Point “Water and Soil Conservation”.

PREPARE (Plan Ahead and Prepare):

1. Know the six Principles of " Plan Ahead and Prepare ".

2. Prepare and carry the Ten Essentials on a day hike.

3. Find and read a topographical map for your day hike. Identify roads leading to the trailhead, ranger stations, and trace your route before you leave.

4. * Complete Wolf Achievement 19 “Fishing” or Bear Arrow Point “Weather”.

WILDLIFE (Respect Wildlife):

1. Know the five Principles of "Respect Wildlife".

2. Attend a talk or program about Endangered Species and how to preserve them.

3. * Complete Wolf Achievement 13 “Birds” or Bear Achievement 5 “Sharing Your World with Wildlife.

NOTE: Webelos or Den Chiefs that do not have Wolf or Bear requirements can demonstrate their knowledge of requirement.

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