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Cottonwood Lakes/ Horseshoe Meadow Award

White Mountain.jpg

Sponsoring Council

Western Los Angeles County Council

Award Dimensions

3” DIA


This award consists of a main patch and six rockers. The main patch must be earned first and the rockers are earned in pairs of the pass and the corresponding peak. The uniqueness of the peak awards is based around the lack of defined trails to the peaks. There is considerable skill and knowledge of the territory/ environment required to achieve these awards. The base elevation is around 10,000 feet and all the appropriate high altitude preparations must be made. This award can be earned retroactively (2000) and over a period of 5 years for the rockers.

Cottonwood Lakes/ Horseshoe Meadow award is earned by camping a minimum of 2 nights and hiking a minimum of 10 miles. A combination of nights is allowed at either camping location. Treks to the peaks can be used for the mileage requirement on the main patch

Map Link (where applicable)

External Reference (where applicable)

Detailed Requirements

1. Meet all applicable General Requirements.

2. Leader or another 21 yrs old adult going on trip have completed the Basic Backpack Awareness Course.

3. Each participant must have:

a. Current physical (6 months of less) and current BSA medical forms

b. completed a minimum of 2 training hikes, both of which should be above 7000 ft

4. Cottonwood Lakes/ Horseshoe Meadow award is earned by camping a minimum of 2 nights and hiking a minimum of 10 miles. A combination of nights is allowed at either camping location. Treks to the peaks can be used for the mileage requirement on the main patch

a.  Trail Pass and Trail Peak rockers. This segment is considered the easiest of the group and can be achieved as a day hike from Horseshoe meadows campground.

b.  Cottonwood Pass and Cirque Peak. This segment requires an overnighter at Chicken Springs lake after having hiked Cottonwood Pass.

c.  Army Pass and Mt. Langley Peak. This segment requires an overnighter at any of the 5 cottonwood lakes and is the most challenging. Langley is amongst the 9 peaks surrounding Mt. Whitney that are above 14,000 ft

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